A pioneering TEDx community and platform to amplify ideas, inspirations, perspectives, stories, voices, and talents from the world and our Australia, curated and powered by the new generation of Chinese-Australian global citizens and possibilists.
What are our passions and purposes?
What are our latent possibilities?
What are our Superpowers?
What are our hopes and dreams?
What challenges do we face, and how we could act?
What runs deep within ourselves, in our societies, world, and future?
We celebrate our common heritage, culture, and contributions.
We share multi-disciplinary ideas, inspirations, perspectives, work, and stories of the global Chinese diaspora and Chinese-Australians everywhere.
We showcase our talents: Sportsmen and women, musicians, poets, photographers, film-makers, comedians, authors, architects, animators, designers, dancers, etc
We share the work and wisdoms of global Chinese diaspora thinkers and doers.
We surface and explore issues important to the global Chinese diaspora and Chinese-Australians.
To Do:
1. Get invitations to attend, sign up with your email below
2. Nominate someone for our TEDx stage, click here First audition night in early November 2024, and your opportunity to nominate or self nominate a speaker or performer.
3. Community outreach To be representative and inclusive we invite Chinese Australian and Asian Australian community groups to represent and join this movement and community. If you represent one, write to us CommunityCare@IdeasWorthDoing.org
4. TEDx partners and patrons collaborate and co-create with us in numerous ways for mutual impact and benefit, and are believers in our purpose, write to us PartnershipCare@IdeasWorthDoing.org
5. TEDx volunteer team members are passionate and purposeful thinkers and doers. If you live in Melbourne, are Chinese Australian, and would like to contribute your talents and time, write to us TeamCare@IdeasWorthDoing.org