Dave's life adventures during the Internet Revolution and in Silicon Valley in the late 1990s

1. 'He Struck Gold on the Amazon' in The Sunday Times, 1999

2.  'Startup boost in Silicon Valley' in The Business Times, 1999

3. CNET articles I wrote about Silicon Valley, 1999-2000

'Thar's Gold in them thar hills!'

'Caveat entrepreneur'

'Rocket science and rocket fuel in the Valley'

4. Sing-a-long in my version of 'Twelve Days of Christmas for a Start-up' in The Business Times, Christmas edition, 2001.

 5. Dave's Dispatches, my e-mail service reporting on developments in the Internet and VC industry.  I posted nearly 2,000 articles during the Internet Revolution from 1999 to 2001 and had subscribers from as far away as Mauritius! List-A-Day review said "...original content and superior quality... and is a unique and refreshing addition to the genre of business-oriented email newsletters."