"Everyday SHEroes and HEroes Everywhere"
a pioneering Global 'Ideas Worth Exploring' Festival to meet, hear, and find out everything you love to know about your favorite Real and Fictional heroes
conceived and curated by
The Arise Initiative and TEDxPowerSt
Imagine a multi-faceted TED Conference, BUT it’s entirely around one singularly and vital Idea Worth Exploring: HEroes and SHEroes – everywhere and everyday - in our lives, in the people around us, in our stories, and in ourselves.
Instead of passive, one-way TED talks “telling” us things, we’re going to journey into a richer and deeper exploration and understanding by having conversations across multiple experiences, perspectives, and genres.
We’re also intentfully seeking to discover latent wisdoms that lie across generationsby building bridges of understanding and care through shared conversations.
We have come together to inspire the community - that's you! - to join in these conversations with your favourite SHEroes and HEroes:
Your favorite FICTIONAL ones across multi-genres: Movies, books, comic books, etc. and the actors and the many "hidden dragons" behind-the-scenes who create, write, and bring them to life for us.
and your favorite REAL ones building a better world and future for us all: innovative social entrpeneurs, community builders, impact inventors and investors, etc
Hear stories, adventures, insights, and wisdoms of being a SHEro and HEro. Explore the landscape and mosaic of what and who our heroes are, and why?
Understanding our heroes
Who were our real and fictional heroes in our childhood, and are today?
Why do we love heroes?
What different types of heroes are there?
What do we consider heroic?
For the actors and creators of heroes...
What is it like to act as a fictional hero?
What was impact on people? on them?
How has the idea and look of a hero evolve over years?
What is the ideal hero they would love to create/play next?
And for our heroes in our real world...
How did they discover they purpose to make an impact?
How did they start?
How do they create impact?
What are their top advice for us?
...and let all of us also ask ourselves:
How can we be everyday heroes for each other everywhere?
How do we find and become our own SHEroes and HEroes in our own lives everyday?
WHEN? Timeline
Aug to Sept. Curation is now happening,
15 Sept Launch of festival program and registration
November Global Festival of 'Everyday SHEroes and HEroes Everywhere' featuring talks and conversations online.
PLUS if you If you are in Melbourne in Nov 2024, join us to celebrate global and local Chinese SHEroes and Heroes at The Chinese Museum, find about our community-created TED Prize InsideOut Art Project here
Questions? email us at SHEroesHEroes@IdeasWorthDoing.org
WHO is an Everyday SHEro and HEro?
A fictional character in a movie, book, comic, theatre, etc , Ever since early legends like Bruce Lee, many actors have portrayed fictional heroes on screen and in print, like Michelle Yeoh, James Hong, Donnie Yuen, Ming Na-Wen, Simu Liu, et al. Behind the scenes are also countless "hidden dragons" often unsung talents who are screenwriters, book authors, animators, directors, illustrators, songwriters, etc. Together they all contribute to the SHEroes and HEroes we love. Let us celebrate all of them!
Who are "a Social Capital / Social Impact SHEro and HEro" in our real world? People who enhance people in diverse ways: Well-being, identity, belonging, education, personal or professional development, health, happiness., etc. They can do this though diverse public ways: Starting community groups, programs for teens or elderly, sport and hobby societies, being a social innovation entrepreneur, champion, role model, leader, etc. They could be doing this through social impact ventures, institutions, formal or informal group initiatives, movements, not-for-profits, or even individual projects and action.